Sean Egan, Independent Theatre Lawyer

I have worked as a lawyer across the creative industries for all my career. I am passionate about the arts and helping people achieve their objectives. The sheer variety of fascinating projects means that each one is different and requires different skills. This may range from large scale international theatre productions to dealing with creative individuals’ issues over rights.

I am always keen to understand and engage with clients and their projects. I feel that by understanding their business I can provide a more cost-effective and customised service. I don’t work in a silo – by having a broad in-depth knowledge, I seek to point out business strategies and approaches that can be of benefit to clients.

I have greatly enjoyed sitting on boards of organisations and, through assisting these organisations, I feel I have developed a deep understanding not just of the legal issues facing the governance and management of charities and other not-for-profit organisations, but also an ability to identify the important business considerations.

You’ll find a selection of recent articles on the Articles page - I have always written articles, given talks and contributed to publications. I wrote the Medialex ‘Essential Media Law and Practice for Writers in Film and Television’ and contributed the legal section to ‘Boards that Work’ by David Fishel (originally published by the Directory of Social Change in 2003 and is still in print).

Board roles

Sean is currently chair of Fuel and a member of the advisory board of B3 Media.

Previous board roles include: